May 9, 2024

The Bourne Crossover




“What have you been working on, Wilhelm?” Griselda asked as she walked into Wilhelm’s office. “I haven’t seen your face all day.”

“Have you ever heard of Treadstone, Selda?” Wilhelm asked without looking up. “All my co-workers have been talking about it, and I really want to know what it is.”

Selda stopped in her tracks. Her face turned pale and she dropped the bag she was holding.

In a low, shaky voice, she whispered, “Wilhelm, whatever you are working on, abandon it immediately.”

“I already have all the information about Treadstone, Selda,” Wilhelm replied in a calm and composed voice. 

“If you know so much about Treadstone, then tell me about it,” Selda said, her voice still quivering.

Wilhelm cleared his throat. He put his lit cigar in his mouth and picked up a bunch of files that were lying on his desk. Wilhelm took a puff of his cigar and opened one of the files.

 “Treadstone was a wing of the CIA that was shut down years ago. It hired, brainwashed, and trained 10 main agents. The agents only had one objective: to kill,” Wilhelm began to explain. He pointed at the files and said, “All the agents and their missions are in these files.”

“All these agents were strong, fast, and sharp assassins that have carried out hundreds of successful missions. After each agent completed 328 assassinations, they were killed by the president of Treadstone: Conklin. All the agents were declared as deserters or killed in action. Suddenly, Conklin was shot by a mysterious man and Treadstone was shut down,” Wilhelm described in a stern voice.

“Wilhelm, you're missing a key piece to the puzzle,” Selda clarified in a firm voice. “Jason Bourne, a runaway Treadstone agent diagnosed with Amnesia, was the one who killed Conklin. Bourne’s location is unknown and wants to stay off the grid.”

“Correction,” Wilhelm interrupted. He held up a black file with a RED NOTICE stamp on it and said, “I just got intel that Bourne is staying at Apple Orlando Inn, a hotel in Florida. I already sent a man to kill Bourne.”

“But why, Wilhelm, do you want to kill Bourne?” Griselda asked, her voice shaky. “On top of that, WHO did you send to kill Bourne?”

“If I kill Bourne, I would be able to re-open Treadstone,” Wilhelm reasoned. “Treadstone could act like an extra black-ops force against our enemies, Selda! Also, I sent the best British Secret Service agent, James Bond, to kill Bourne.”

Selda sighed. She faced the fact that no matter what she told Wilhelm, he wouldn’t change his mind.

Selda cried, “Wilhelm, you hold a very good position in the CIA. You have a nice family, millions of dollars, and a life you don’t want to ruin. You’re going to retire in 2 years, and here you are, wanting to kill the best agent we have out there.”

“Selda,” Wilhelm started to say in a firm voice. “I’m going to catch that son of a gun with the help of the greatest British secret service agent. Bourne is off our radar, but I’m going to kick him off the grid.” 

Apple orchard inn, florida

special occasions floor

“Well, I guess this is it,” a vigilant Jason Bourne whispered to himself as he snuck passed the front desk. He was at Florida’s most famous hotel, and he was there for a reason. 

Bourne quickly made his way to the staircase. He would’ve used the elevator, but he didn’t want to risk being recognized. 

Bourne made his way to the sixteenth floor, or the special occasions floor. He snuck past the hotel security guard and made his way to the function hall. Despite having an amazing architectural style, the place was abandoned. Overturned chairs and tables were everywhere. Ripped banners hung from the ceiling and deflated balloons rolled around like tumbleweed in a desert. Some food and drink stains were still visible.

“I guess this is the place my parents got married,” Bourne said with a chuckle.

Suddenly, the best British Secret Service agent, the amazing James Bond, jumped out of his hiding spot holding a gun and declared, “Bourne, you may be the best, but today’s your final day!”

Jason Bourne, who expected an attack, pulled out a black revolver from his back pocket and yelled back, “I refuse to die a British death!”

James Bond began firing at Bourne while yelling, “Bourne, you’re gonna have to die!”

Bourne quickly hid behind an overturned table. He waited until Bond was about to reload and fired back. “What type of CIA agent has a horrible aim?” Jason Bourne roared.

Bond hid behind a marble pillar and yelled back, “I’m not a CIA agent like you Americans! I’m a British Secret Service agent!”

Bourne stopped firing. He thought about what James Bond had just said. It took Bourne a second to realize that Bond fell into the CIA’s trap.

“You need to stop firing and get out of here!” Bourne yelled. “You were hired as a use and throw assassin, they’re going to kill you after you kill me!”

Bond reloaded his gun. “Why in the name of the country of England would I trust you?” he shouted. 

“Because I was one of you!” Bourne replied in an angry accent. “Once upon a time, I was an assassin. After I completed 328 assassinations, I was shot 3 times and thrown into the ocean! They know I’m here, so that’s why they hired you!”

Bond was about to press the trigger, but he stopped. He thought for a moment. The file he was given listing the details of Jason Bourne included a lot of things about an assassin. The file also explained that Bourne was killed in action, but Wilhelm told him that Bourne was a deserter. That means Bourne isn’t lying!

James Bond, now realizing his mistake, threw his gun on the floor. “I believe you, Bourne!” Bond yelled. “Let’s get out of here before we’re both slaughtered!”

“It’s too risky for us to go out the front door,” Bourne clarified. “We’re going to have to escape through the emergency exit.”

Saying so, the duo rushed to the nearby empty elevator. They made their way to the 45th floor where there would be roof access. Strong winds blew as both James Bond and Jason Bourne stood side by side in the middle of the roof.

“Well, I guess this is where we go separate ways,” Bond said with a sigh. He looked at Bourne and stated, “It was nice meeting you.”

Bourne nodded in agreement before using the emergency ladder perched on the edge to escape. Bond laughed before grabbing a rope and using that to escape.

And that’s the story of how the 2 great government agents from different countries met.


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