December 6, 2023

Game Review: Minecraft

Written by: Vihaan Chavva 

           Minecraft is a popular game that has been around for more than a decade. The game was originally a passion project by a Swedish game developer named Markus Persson, nicknamed “Notch.” Minecraft has survived through controversy and decreases in popularity and has become one of the most beloved games of all time.

In Minecraft, there are different items that have to be collected in order to progress through the game. You can make new weapons and tools, explore different structures and biomes, and battle against mobs and even friends. Mobs were added with all different traits. Some are passive, like the pig and cow who can’t attack the player. There are hostile mobs, creatures like the zombie, and the infamous creeper who would stop at nothing to attack and defeat the player. 

 Most video games like Fortnite or Roblox have an objective or story that must be followed. In comparison, Minecraft doesn't have a story. Instead, the game is focused on exploration and creativity. The player can do anything they want in the game, from building a house to killing the Ender Dragon. Game modders have further developed the game, adding new features, modes, and customization options. In the end, Minecraft is the player’s own game. Almost every part of the game can be changed and players can build, explore, and imagine a whole new world.

1 comment:

  1. Killing the Ender dragon is the main goal of Minecraft, but the creators have made more things to explore


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