May 9, 2024

Game Review: Pong

 By Oliver Umanski

Pong was a game that was created in 1972. It has been around for more than 50 years! It was first created by Allan Alcorn at Atari as a training exercise and instead grew larger. Pong is a great game with loads of features. The graphics are amazing! Pong was originally released with 8-bit graphics. More of the features are the realistic action of the ball. It moves in such a realistic way that when I played it, I got out of touch with reality! There is realistic motion blur when the paddles move, and their texture is beyond amazing. So much detail was put into making the paddles look like real rackets! 

Most videogames like Roblox or Fortnite may possess multiple objectives, but the only objective in pong is to get the highest score! Pong is an endless game with millions of different plays and possibilities. The game doesn’t have a story, instead it's focused on your high score and reflex. The game has grown greatly since the beginning. The ball and paddles have gotten more graphics and the game was raised to a greater resolution. The game still stands for updates and decades to come.

Note; I heavily took inspiration from Vihan Chava’s writing “Game review: Minecraft.” I took his writing and made an almost parody of it. I recommend you read his great writing also on the Lion’s Pride. This is all exaggerated.

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