The MMMS Guide to Music Production
By: Elliot Yi
Often, there are people with musical talent who don’t know what to do with it. If you want to start producing music at home, then this article is for you! After you read this guide, you’ll be able to produce and publish a song.
Step One: First, depending on your skill level, these school-allowed websites will help you grow in music production. For example, newer creators can use this site called Chrome Music Lab’s Song Maker Tool. This website is completely free and is meant for all ages learning how to make music. With more than five musical instruments to choose from, you can make songs up to four minutes long. They both have many instruments, like the piano and violin. If you are an intermediate/semi-pro level and have music experience under your belt, then SoundTrap or NoteFlight is for you.
Step Two: Now you have a music program to use, it is time to create your music. Spending a couple of minutes to think of a good idea for the song before starting is highly recommended, including BPS (beats per second), genre, and length. For more experienced creators, having a good idea, chord extensions, and instrument solos add a good bit of flair for the song. After the song is complete, you are ready for the final step.
Step Three: If the program you chose was Chrome Music Labs, skip to the final step. However, if it is a SoundTrap or NoteFlight, this step is for you. First, you download the MP3 File by the export button, and it might take a bit to download. Once the file is downloaded, go over to Canva, make a video, import the MP3 file, and put it on the page. After you complete and the page time is stretched, you can copy and paste an image image, video, or gif and click share. Once there, go to the Collaboration tab, click “Only People with Access,” and replace it with “Anyone with link.” Once complete, copy the link and go to step 4.
Step Four: To publish your song, go to the Google Sites Top Five to view it. Ask for editor access from the Manager, create/make a composer page, and post the song there. Make sure to follow the rules. If the tune reaches enough views, the song will make it in the Top Five Charts, which is basically a graph to show the most viewed songs.
Now you have completed the creation and publication of your first song.